
February 2012     Senior Software Engineer @ Descon Engineering
Analysis, design, development, support and maintenance of component based n-tier and client server based web and desktop applications for Descon Engineering.

April 2008     Independent Computer Software Professional
I had been working on various projects ranging from simple desktop utilities, large database driven applications to quite complex and head aching hardware integrations. Some key project types are:
- Simple desktop utilities
- Database driven distributed applications
- Embedded software development
- Multiple hardware integration projects
- Analyzing, designing and building simulators
- Socket Programming
- D&D of Network Communication Protocols

March 2006     Assistant Software Engineer @ Descon Information Systems
Descon Information Systems. The Company form where I started my professional career as Assistant Software Engineer. Being part of the DE Team, my team along with with me had the responsibility to take care of all Descon concerned projects. These projects were analyzed, designed, developed, maintained and implemented by the DE-Team for Descon Enginerring.